
Japan’s Youtube Mimicked Site Nico Video’s Nazi like Propaganda Exploited by PM Aso Family

We may now come to understand what the Nazi’s technique Mr. Aso Taro, Vice PM and former Prime Minister mentioned and confused us last year. His family run website NicoNico Video, a Japanese mimicked version of Youtube, is conducting mass thought su...
Japan’s Youtube Mimicked Site Nico Video’s Nazi like Propaganda Exploited by PM Aso Family


Japan’s Government Party LDP Sponsored and Cultivated the Right Wing in Underground Anonymous 2channel Board.

In Japan, giant discussion site with 230 million page views per day,2channel has played an important role on the Web site seen for 15 years. This is an anonymous textboard, attracting the biggest traffic in the country. Since Feb 19, 2014, however...
Japan’s Government Party LDP Sponsored and Cultivated the Right Wing in Underground Anonymous 2channel Board.


How to Send a Good FOIA Requests to the NSA? Every Journalist Needs to Know

All the journalist should admit that she knows the FOIA, and it is quiet helpful to make a path breaking news. However, very few can exercising it, in reality ( It is alway talked and I confirmed, by my FOIA request to other FOIA pursuant FOIA r...
How to Send a Good FOIA Requests to the NSA? Every Journalist Needs to Know


【新訳】エドワード・スノーデン氏 ガーディアン紙 インタビュー PART1【全文+補足資料】

 PRISM-マイクロソフト、グーグル、ヤフー、アップルといったシリコンバレーの代表的企業が米国政府に直接、そのサーバー情報を提供する仕組みだ。日本のマスメディアでは当初、小さい扱いしか受けていなかったが、世界は最初から蜂の巣をつつくスキャンダルになった。  これについて公にしたのは元CIA職員で、NSAの業務委託企業ブーズ・アレン・ハミルトンで勤務していたエドワードスノーデン氏。6月9日に英国ガーディアン紙の掲載したインタビューで、彼は何を語っていたのか。新資料の情報も交えて、彼のもたら...
【新訳】エドワード・スノーデン氏 ガーディアン紙 インタビュー PART1【全文+補足資料】

