Fukushima Disaster’s ”Tokyo Supercore Scenrio” and about Five Worst Consequences, by USNRC
Accoding to the ET (Exective Team) telephone records disclosed to FOIA requests, USNRC had expected about 5 cases of Fukushima crisis in March 20,2011.
You can see in it lines 12 ~13. But as Mr Jim said they should not use the term 'worst', it is ...
Fukushima Disaster’s ”Tokyo Supercore Scenrio” and about Five Worst Consequences, by USNRC
USNRC Disclosed Fukushima Crisis Proceedings of Executive Team’s
USNRC disclosed Fukushima criss proceedings of executive Team's with DOD,navy,HOE,DOE,TEPCO and Japanese government. This document is found out by Takanori Eto our chief editor and a FOIA requester. It is curious but a shame for Japapnes because Japa...
USNRC Disclosed Fukushima Crisis Proceedings of Executive Team’s