
Fukushima Disaster’s ”Tokyo Supercore Scenrio” and about Five Worst Consequences, by USNRC


Fukushima Disaster’s ”Tokyo Supercore Scenrio” and about Five Worst Consequences, by USNRC

Accoding to the ET (Exective Team) telephone records disclosed to FOIA requests, USNRC had expected about 5 cases of Fukushima crisis in March 20,2011.

You can see in it lines 12 ~13. But as Mr Jim said they should not use the term ‘worst’, it is possible that they had prepared more and worse cases.

For all the phone records of the day, Plaese click here.

And I had further FOIA request based on the document above, in March 2012. After more than 1 and half a year waiting, we got to the record called ’Tokyo Supearcore Scenario’.

NARAC consists one of US Federal family, which serves as meteorology expecting and has superb computer which exceed the calculation ability compared to NRC’s RASCAL modeling system. Accoding to the records they coworker to foresee possible sequences of Fukushima crisis.

Althogh still NRC’s process in FOIA requests about Fukushima disaster is ongoing and we can’t be sure, this ‘Tokyo Supercore Scenario’ (apparently a pant of’Super Nova’)」 should be one of the worst scenario. One reason I can say that is the document below is not masked; to say, in US FOIA exemption is done when disclose lead to negative effects such as threat to National Securyti exceed the interest of informing public.

You can also see ‘USNRC-Disclosed Fukushima Crisis Proceedings of Executive Team’s’ clicking here.

* It must be noted that I am not a requester to the USNRC phone conversation records. The credit is attributed Dina Capierro from AP who is the first to submit FOIA in Fukushima case to NRC, and other journalist, researchers, NPOs…etc.

【Takanori Eto Nov 21, 2013 】


