
USNRC Disclosed Fukushima Crisis Proceedings of Executive Team’s


USNRC Disclosed Fukushima Crisis Proceedings of Executive Team’s

USNRC disclosed Fukushima criss proceedings of executive Team’s with DOD,navy,HOE,DOE,TEPCO and Japanese government. This document is found out by Takanori Eto our chief editor and a FOIA requester. It is curious but a shame for Japapnes because Japanese gov’t had concealed ( or intentionally dismissed ) this historical event’s record.

And also,NRC released another official use only document. It said they had not ability to calculate the consequence of nuclear release to atmospheres over 50 miles. TFor that reason they asked USNARAC which had more reliable computer to calcuration .

And also, NRC consumed all the core of Hukushima Daiichi, from Unit 1 to Unit 6 were damaged ( though it was a misunderstanding in reality) This should lead to make all the workers evacuate from a the site, and all the 15000 fuel rods in Fukshima DAiichi melt out. This quantity is 30 times larger than the chernobyl disaster’s radioactive release. And also, 15 times more than the alleged worst scenario, Japanese Atomic Energy Committee chairman Shunsuke Kondo made.

All the proceeding s are 43 paged and gives us quiet detailed situation of incident.

(For referance please click here

Below tables is containd in a report by Japanese authority to IAEA:

Nov 21, Additional Information:The following is a record of NRC Exective team’s telephone conference. Accoding to this, ‘Mr. Condo'( It should be a miss-spell of auditor and mean Kondo Shunsuke) cared about the wind direction. Though Phone records are known by some coverages, It gives me, a Japanese speaker, a certain question.

(To see all the document, please click here.

On upcoming Fukushima crisis case ruling in Tokyo district court, ”Takanori Eto vs Japanese National Government” USNRC docs shall have unignorable impact.

(Takanori Eto, the editor of echo-news)



