
How the NSA has responded and going to deal Mr. Snowden and Mr. Greenwald ?


How the NSA has responded and going to deal Mr. Snowden and Mr. Greenwald ?

We, again submitted a FOIA request to NSA. In this time, issued we sought are all about the NSA’s response to Mr. Greenwald and Mr. Snowden. It should matter how NSA will treat the threats to the authority.

This request is, actually, a mimic of the first FOIA Mr James Bamford had sent to NSA, in July31, 1978. You can learn a lot from the past.

The followings are the very letters I submitted via electronical form of NSA websites. And now I post all the materials below. Partly because I want to share this to other journalist or concerned citizens, and also as a ‘ back-up ‘ to the possible accident that ma happen to our media.

Dear FOIA officer(s)

Thank you for prompt response dated 15 November 2013 to my FOIA request by FOIA officer Pamela N. Philips .

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I wish to obtain the following materials.

Any and all letters, memorandum, communications and other documents in the possession of NSA pertaining to or included in a file maintained on ” Nonaffilliates of NSA who Publish Writings Concerning the Agency”. This includes

A documents relating to any format of the publication, writing or interview of Mr. Glenn Greenwald. This would include, but would not be limited to, the materials Mr. Edward Snowden had offered to Mr. Greenwald.

(1) Planting disparaging reviews of the author’s work in the press ( and any such reviews actually drafted ).

(2) Purchasing the copyright of Greenwald’s works ( and any such reviews actually drafted ).

(3) Hiring the author into the Government so that certain criminal statutes would apply if the more work would be published.

(4) Hiring the relatives, (ex)lover of Mr. Greenwald’s or Mr Snowden’s into the Government so that certain criminal statutes would apply if the more work would be published.

(5) Undertaking physical surveillance of the author.

(6) Undertaking physical surveillance of the relatives, (ex)lover of Mr. Greenwald’s or Mr Snowden’s.

(7) Undertaking the surreptitious entry at the home of the author or at any other location.

(8) Undertaking the surreptitious entry at the home of the relatives, (ex)lover of Mr. Greenwald’s or Mr Snowden’s or at any other location.

In questionable cases the decision should be made to release rather than withhold and a good faith of effort should be exerted in all cases.

Because the above requested materials will be used for a material I am working on the National Security Agency, and can also clearly be seen as a”Primarily benefiting the geneneral public”, I would be most grateful for your favorable response within 10 business days, and request a waiver of search fees as provided under s552(a)(4)(A).

Our news media, echo-news has a breaking story widely accessed, ‘tweeted’, ‘liked’ ( please refer the following link, ) . Therefore, though you did not consider me as a media representative in the former FOIA response, I am expecting you to reconsider my status.

Your prompt assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Most Sincerely,

Takanori Eto


