A resident in Tokyo lost in Tokyo district court in Fukushima Case, reuters reported which is filed just after a month after March 11, 2011, and after 2 and half years legal battle against Japanese Gov’t.
The ruling says that (1) the records USNRC disclosed under FOIA is, without any reasonable doubts, lack for evidence in its basis in it’s ground. (2) AEC chairman Mr. Shunsuke Kondo’s Worst Case simulation is, without any reasonable doubt, unrealistic in its assumption because such a bad situation, much devastating than Chernobyl, had never happened in the past, and can never be a ground for ruling. (3) Any threat of terrorism or military attacks from nearby country is not in the scope of court’s consideration to determine the legality of giving Nuke Plant’s license.
Therefore, all residents in Tokyo are completely free from serious damage that has been ever caused, or can be caused in the future by Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daini Nuke plant accident; with such scientific reason, the plaintiff has no standing for suing the Gov’t demanding for dismiss the TEPCO’s nuclear power plant operator license.
Japanese Nuclear Regulatory Agency (JNRA) chairman, Shunichi Tanaka had issued a statement date of the ruling that ” I believe the government’s nuclear regulation is fundamentally admitted by the Court”
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Takanori Eto