All the journalist should admit that she knows the FOIA, and it is quiet helpful to make a path breaking news. However, very few can exercising it, in reality ( It is alway talked and I confirmed, by my FOIA request to other FOIA pursuant FOIA requests ) Therefore, it will be helpful to journalists, NPO’s, researchers, to know how to submit a good FOIA letters. That is the very thing my source of headache too.
Then, how one can learn the way to write a good FOIA letters? An option is, to search for the web page teaching how to write a FOIA. But you have another way to get to know the way to see the request submitted by alleged best FOIA requester. That is, to send a FOIA request pursing for the FOIA requests which the best FOIA requesters submitted.
This request letters presented below, I guarantee, a very good example of FOIA request because it is a mimicked FOIA letter Mr. Jamese Bamford, the author of The Puzzle Palace had been sent to the NSA. ( I, obtained all the FOIA request materials by James Bamford to the NSA by requesting the NSA to ‘all the FOIA request materials by James Bamford to the NSA’)
(Image: a FOIA request submitted by Mr James Bamford to the NSA)
Please see an example( though I have to say it is not covering and informing the FOIA requests submitted by James bamford. I recommend you send a FOIA request by yourself).
Thank you for prompt response dated 15 November 2013 to my FOIA request by FOIA officer Pamela N. Philips .
(1) All the NSA’s response letters to FOIA requests submitted by Mr James Bamford.
(2) All the FOIA appeal letters to the NSA submitted by Mr James Bamford.
(3) All the FOIA requests submitted by Mr Glenn Greenwald to the NSA until 30 November, 2013.
In questionable cases the decision should be made to release rather than withhold and a good faith of effort should be exerted in all cases.
Because the above requested materials will be used for a material I am working on the National Security Agency, and can also clearly be seen as a”Primarily benefiting the neneral public”. I would be most grateful for your favorable response i within 10business days, and request a waiver of search fees as provided under s552(a)(4)(A).
Our news media, echo-news has a breaking story widely accessed, ‘tweeted’, ‘liked’ ( please refer the following link, ) . Therefore, though you did not consider me as a media representative in the former FOIA response, I am expecting reconsidering my status.
Takanori Eto
That’s it.