:Description of the items
All the communication between US DOE and below figures from
January 1, 2003 to the date of this request.
The items I am requesting include, but are not limited to, e-mails, video tape, DVD, fax, hand written letters and phone conversation records.
1 Shunichi Tanaka ( maybe spelled Shunnichi Tanaka )
2 Shunsuke Kondo
3 Tatsujiro Suzuki
4 Haruki Madarame
As for the exemptions, Those 3 figures have career working in the governmental body, and only in that durations application of exemption 6 seemed to be expected to done. Also, for they do not have security clearance, the exchanged informations on the matters shall not be withheld for a security reason.
Shunnichi Tanaka
He had been in a office of Japanese Government’s Atomic Energy Gommitty ( AEC ) board member since January, 2007 to December 2009. And from September 19, 2012 to now, the Chairman of Japanese government’s Nuclear Regulation Authority.
Shunsuke Kondo
He has been the Chairman AEC since January, 2004 to April 2014.
Tatsujiro Suzuki
From January 1, 2010 to April, 2014 he had been appointed as a board member of AEC.
He had been a board member of Japanese Gov’t Nuclear Safety Commission since 2010 to September 19, 2012.
:Subject of the request.
This request is aiming at opinions exchanged by USDOE and Japans prominent scholars in Nuclear science on energy policy and nuclear safety, before and after Fukushima Incident. FYI, (1) according to the media coverage, Just after 1 a day of Fukushima incident happened DOE’s High Rank Offical Mr. Poneman and Shunsuke Kondo contacted and mentioned about the atmospheric condition around Fukushima. (2) I have already submitted a similar to USNRC, but as I mentioned, DOE and the Figures listed on this request are expiated to have communications, though its not clear how much the documents sought in this request exists in the agency.
:They normative value:
It shall be huge because the items show how those figures and DOE officials think about energy policy and nuclear safety.
:Contribution to an understanding by the general public
We are one of the medias most eagerly covering Fukushima incident and energy policy in Japan, and some of the stories are very well read, followed by other medias i.e. Asahi Television Broad casting.
FYI, Please visit and see ( if needed Google translate it) https://echo-news.net/japan/usnrc-disclosed-fukushima-criss-proceedings
:The significance of the contribution to public understanding
To know how the DOE and prominent scholars who have been in high rank position in Japanese government, have been thinking about nuclear energy policy before and after Fukushima incident shall contribute public understanding of the matters and facility further discussion.
:Specific justification for expedited processing
Currently, to dismiss the old nuclear reactor aging 40 years, or not is a big issue of public debate in Japan. Also, Japan’s government policy to restart nuclear reactors operation next year is a controversial matter.
Those argument could be strongly affected via gaining the information contained in the materials I am seeking.
This issue is a matters of world concern, and fruit of the argument and policy decision shall give insight for U.S. and other nations public, not solely for citizens of Japan.