




Copy of following materials.

1 A list by title or description on the FOIA requests submitted to NSA since June, 2013 to the final response to this request.

2 A list by title or description on the items NSA released since January, 2013 to the final response to this request.

3 All the ”Talking Point”, ”’Briefing Sheet’, or any other materials prepared for the following occasions, since June, 2013 to the final response to this request.

(1)Testimony to Senate, House, and any of their subcommittees

(2) Interview with media representatives

(3) Press conferences

4 The Below items drafted or made to the time of your final response to this request.

(1)FOIA requests formed by following figures ( from a to d ) .

(2) NSAs response to those figures.

(3)All the FOIA appeals submitted by those figures.

(4) All other communications records, including fax, meeting conversation, phone call between NSA and those figures on FOIA requests.

(5) All the envelopes they have sent for communication to the NSA.

a. Matthew M. Aid

b. Tim Weiner

c. Laura Poitras

d. David Kahn

5 Any records on criteria, reason or internal argument which shows NSA posts limited numbers of NSAN to the web site. ( )

6 Any records on reason or internal argument which shows why NSA does not post post the content of former FOIA request on the website.

7 The record which shows whether the items from 1 to 6 are held by NSA in electronic format or not. (please separately disclose the records)

8 NSA’s criteria on saving documents in electronic format, paper format, or both.

Please separately process the request to each items I am seeking and state your reasons for not invoking your discretionary powers to release the requested documents in the public interest.

The Items I am seeking are going to be used our news site on ” Intelligence activity and transparency ”


Takanori Eto



