




Dear FOIA officer(s)

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, I wish to obtain copies of

1. Personal files of the figures below

(1) Novelists

大江健三郎 Kenzaburo Oe

三島由紀夫 Yukio Mishima

川端康成 Yasunari Kawabata

太宰治 Osamu Dazai

谷崎潤一郎 Junichiro Tanizaki

石原慎太郎 Shintaro Ishihara

司馬遼太郎 Ryotaro Shiba

(2) Actors and film directors

黒澤明 Akira Kurosawa

今村昌平 Shohei Imamura

大島渚 Nagisa Oshima

小津安二郎 Yasujiro Ozu

三船敏郎 Toshiro Mifune

(3) Academicians

湯川秀樹 Hideki Yukawa : Physicist, Kyoto Uiversity

江藤淳  Jun Eto : Keio University

丸山真男 Maasao Maruyama :Political studies, Tokyo University

宮沢俊義 Toshiyoshi Miyazawa : Constitiution, Tokyo University

小林秀雄 Hideo Kobayashi : literature critics

土井健夫 Takeo Doi: Physician

(4) Sports and other show businesses

王貞治 Sadaharu Oh : Baseball

長嶋茂雄 Shigeo Nagashima : Baseball

力道山 Rikido-zan

アントニオ猪木 Antonio-Inoki

ジャイアント馬場 GIanto- Baba

淀川長治 Nagaharu Yodogawa : TV commentator

(5) Prominent business figures

松下幸之助 Kounosuke Matsushita: Panasonic

本田宗一郎 Souichiro Hobda: Honda

盛田昭夫 Akio Morita: Sony

藤田田 Den Fujita: Mcdonald’s Japan

(6) Others

梶原一騎 Ikki Kajiwara : Manga

手塚治虫 Osamu Tezuka: Manga

2. If given, the code names of those persons.

3. Any documents of CIA’s far east bureau or Japan bureau made, which were once classified, and mention those figures.

Listed persons are famous and influential figures of Shouwa Era After WW2 in Japan. Except for Oe, Ishihara and Inoki, alls are passed now. The documents I am seeking are to be used ” Japan After WW2 era, from Foreign Perspective” in our news media,

Regarding prioritization, I would like the record from listed order.

Thank you.



