This is an additional victim report to cyber attack. The offense has been done almost every single day in this month.
Since April 13, we have been succseively suffering from unusual aggressive attack, making services temporarily unavailable. The ATTACKs has been done in very punctual way; always they were delivered around PM 20 to PM 22. Here I am submitting this victim letter ( our server exists in California and U.S. has the jurisdiction ) because of the seriousness this event has.
Our web site is the biggest discussion board in Japan maintained by unoudinary firm servers, therefor the entity which has both an ability to go on Attacks successfully. The Attacks is estimated to exploit 2 different techniques. (1) DDoS Attack; in which the first attack had been done. However, the way of DDoS became more canny. The first attack was a spider launched by one hosting name, (sakura.ne.jp). After that, our Server company tried to hamper the malicious access from sakura.ne.jp . But In later attack, the offense host name exploited google proxy service which can penetrate the site in spite that we banned the spider by initial host name..
(2) ‘’Sabotage by secrelty introducing Malicious DNS system when it was under control of Mr Nishimura.’’The Chief SE of our website commented today.
It should be noted that Mr Hiroyuki Nishimura, ex-business partner of Mr Jim ( current owner of 2ch.net ) is announcing that he has a trouble with Jim.
In his statement from April 1 to 16 (JST) he said (1) he is intimidated by Jim to take over the managing authority of 2ch.net. and coerced to send him around 500 thousands dollars since last August. (2) Nishimura is still a owner of 2ch.net (3) Mr Jim should be charged 20 million dollars Mr Nishimura has to pay for the third party ( detailed reason blurred in his explain ). (4) Nishimura is Crawling 2ch.net to obtain datas (5) That crawling can be banned but he would be ready to use google proxy to pass thorough the banning.
All of above saying are posted Mr Nishimura’s new web site https://2ch.sc and his twitter account.
It seemed to me that Mr Nishimura is intentionally harassing our website. Actually, he once, at least nominally, dismissed ownership of 2ch.net ( the real prosperous giant and has perhaps more influence the than other services, i.e. Facebook or twitter ) to evade the investigation by Japanese police authority* on illegal drug deal in his website.
The situation had not changed in this 30 days. Please go on to investigation and stop another illegal offense to our internet community.
If you need more details or updates, please contact me.
* Please see former coverage http://sankei.jp.msn.com/affairs/news/130220/trl13022018530005-n1.htm ( google translation should work)