Dear FOIA officer
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, I wish to obtain copies of all the power point files containing the letter ”Fukushima” or ”Monju”, which has been drafted since 2011 up to the final response to this request.
( For your convenience, here attached a link for ” Monju” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monju_Nuclear_Power_Plant )
This request is concerned about the safety of general public and we anticipate your rapid response. I am the news media echo-news.net’s representative and the records we seek shall, when disclosed, widely distributed and contribute the interest of publics. Therefore, please Waiver all the Fees.
The materials sought here must, if properly disclosed, contribute general public interest, rather harming that. Now, dozens of nuclear power plants are operating and there lives many resident around the plant. Taking account into that more than 2 years has gone since the Fukushima crisis and the still urgent need to inform public how to deal with nuclear facilities , offering lessons grounded your insight must override the possible damage to the public.
Though you may think I should file this request to USNRC ( actually I did and the response has been quite informative ) . However, I am now research the implication of Fukushima crisis in the perspective of National security and international relationship. Therefore, I am now forming requests to ODNI (and other agencies such as DOD, CIA, DOS,,etc. )
Also, you may think releasing the information may benefit the terrorist or the country those support to them. But the effect of nuclear plant accident is, easily foreseeable to those bodies who researches its real consequence.It will not be a big help for them. On the contrary, who really needs to be more informed about the nuclear disaster is the public. It makes a sound deliberation possible for democratic society.
Therefore, even when the materials are classified, when the ACT is properly interpreted, response must end up in the disclosing the whole or at least only very limited withheld information of materials.
Please send me a material in electronic format, if available.
Most sincerely.