




Dear Officer,

Hello. My last e-mail was not a FOIA request. I asked your assistance and coordination under the DOJ MEMORANDUM, to lead a sought record in most smooth way in 2012-170 case.

”FOIA professionals should be mindful of their obligation to work “in a spirit of cooperation” with FOIA requesters, as President Obama has directed.”

Again, this e-mail and the last e-mail are not FOIA request.

Please reconsider for more assistance and give me your advice, hopefully ( Even though this memorandum itself does not affect my legal status. ) .

Thank you.

Takanori Eto




Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 08:50:29 -0500

Subject: FW: Your Inquiry about FOIA/PA-2012-0170

Mr. Takanori,

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows the public to ask Federal agencies for access to or a copy of specified records. Your e-mail does not meet the criteria for acceptance as a request under the FOIA because it asks for answers to specific questions.

Please find the link to the FOIA guide and some general information on filing a FOIA request attached below:

FOIA guide:

General information:

In making your request you should be as specific as possible. All FOIA requests must be in writing and, at a minimum, should contain the following basic elements:

• State that you are seeking access to records under the Freedom of Information Act (or under the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act).

• Include your name, address, email address (if available), and daytime telephone number (in case we need to contact you to discuss your request).

• Describe the requested records (or information) as specifically as possible, including individual and company names (where applicable), as well as the relevant dates, places, events, subjects, and other details.

• Individuals seeking records about themselves must provide verification of their identity by a signature, address, date of birth, employee identification number (if any), and one other item of identification such as a copy of a driver’s license or other document. Persons requesting records pertaining to another individual, in addition to furnishing verification of identity of the individual, must have the individual’s written consent for the records to be disclosed to them.

• State your willingness to pay the applicable fees, if any, associated with processing your FOIA request. (See Fees.)

Additional information is available at

Thank you,

FOIA/Privacy Information Branch, MS: T-5F09 Customer Services Division, Office of Information Services U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Ph: 301-415-7169 Fax: 301-415-5130

From: Eto Takanori

Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 1:33 PM

To: Stevens, Margo

Subject: RE: Your Inquiry about FOIA/PA-2012-0170

Mr. Stevens Margo.

Good Holiday.

Four questions: (1) Actually, I do not know your Federal family’s inter-agency process to respond FOIA request. Is there any possibility my letter to DOS and DOE can affect your response?

(2) Don’t You FOIA officers know the point to contact other federal agency?

(3) If so, how do you coordinate the FOIA response by federal family, overall?

(4) Is there possibility one agency(i.e. USNRC) declined to release the record for on the exemption 6 while other federal agency (i.e DOD) decide to release the same document. It seemed to me plausible, if you federal FOIA officers do not know each other’s contact point.

I am afraid too many questions may troublesome for you, but I do not the convention of FOIA process in your federal family. And if you generously tell me the answers, more information shall be distributed to the public faster and efficiently.

Most sincerely, expecting your reply.

Takanori Eto



