
米国エネルギー省への情報公開請求 高浜原発と川内原発についての日本国政府及び関電・九電との意見交換内容


米国エネルギー省への情報公開請求 高浜原発と川内原発についての日本国政府及び関電・九電との意見交換内容


Dear FOIA Officer Alexander Morris,

This is a Freedom of Information Act request.

I am seeking the items below.

(1) All the emails and attached files since 2012 which contains the term

“Sendai” or “Takahama”, between the DOE and Japanese Nuclear Regulatory


(2) All the emails and attached files since 2012 which contains the term

“Sendai” , between the DOE and Kyushu Power Electronic company (九州電

力) ,the operator of Sendai nuclear power plant.

(3) All the emails and attached files since 2012 which contains the term

“Sendai” , between the DOE and Kansai Power Electronic company (関西電

力) ,the operator of Sendai nuclear power plant.

FYI, Sendai is a nuclear power plant expected to restart operation and

the Takahama would be the next one.

This request is aiming solely at public interests.

I request Full fee waiver and prior expedite procedure. For I am a news

media representative widely read in nuclear policy topics and the

information expected to be released shall contribute public

understanding of U.S. government activity.

We have Japanese and English pages.

Your agencies evaluation on how those NUKE plants contribute the energy

supply and affect the national securities of both U.S. and Japanese shal

have a great value.

Actually, the past Fukkushima event taught us 2 lessons.

Firstly, the very day 3.12, 2011, your deputy secretary Mr. Poneman and

Japanese AEC Chairman Mr. Shunsuke Kondo have communicated keenly on the

wind direction, according to USNRC FOIA document, which have a huge

effect of US Gov’t measure in the event. And also, if emergency event

can happen, then it is highly probable US Federal Families including DOE

have to tackle the accident with Japanese operators/government.

Warmest Regards ,

Takanori Eto



