Dear FOIA officer(s)
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, I wish to obtain copies of
1. Personal fills, named like ” CIA Name Files ” of
毛沢東 ( Mao Zedong )
周恩来 ( Zhou Enlai )
鄧小平 ( Deng Xiaoping )
蒋介石 ( Chiang Kai-shek )
李登輝 ( Lee Teng-hui )
李承晩 ( Syngman Rhee )
許政 ( Hoe Jeong )
Yun Bo-seon
朴正煕 ( Pak Jeong-hui/Park Chung hee )
Choi Kyu-ha/Choe Gyu-ha
全斗煥 ( Chung Doo-hwan/Cheon Tu-hwan )
盧泰愚 ( No Tae-woo/Roh Tae-woo )
金大中 ( Gim Dae-jung/Kim Tae-jung )
Roh- Moo hyun/Roh Moo-hyeon
金日成 ( Kim Il-sung )
金正日 ( Kim Jong-il )
Ho Chi Mihn
Lee Kuan Yew
Mahatma Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru
Bhumibol Adulyadej
Thanom Kittikachorn
Pol Pot
2. If given, the code names of those persons.
3. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN, which mention the listed figures.
4. Files sort out by Issues, named like ” Subject Files ” containing any of the folioing letters in title.
財閥 (Zaibatsu)
三井 (Mitsui)
三菱 (Mitsubishi)
住友 (Sumitomo)
安田 (Yasuda)
大蔵省 ( Ministry of Finance ) * Pleas limit to Japanese MOF.
現代 (Hyundai)
三星 (Samsung)
全羅道(Jeolla Province)
Please exclude the records those have already been disclosed and in public domain at the time of forming this request.
The documents I am seeking are to be used in article on History of Modern Asia, in our news and distributed publics.
Thanks for your time and assist .
Takanori Eto