We have just submitted a few FOIA ( freedom of information act ) requests to NSA Nov 1, 2013 pushing the body for more transparency and accountability to the world.
Thanks to the credit of very sophisticated FOIA request Dina Cappiero Had submitted to USNRC on Fukushima Crisis, which we modified to writing the forms!
The records we are seeking and other informations related to this pursuant in one of the form was as follows.
Records Requested: All the NSA’s Power Point , jpg, jpeg and PDF file documents which had been wholly or partially declassified, since June 6, 2013 to November 1, 2013 in eastern time.
Please consider this an expedited request under the FOIA, as this information is urgently required to inform the U.S and whole the world public & international relationship, trustship, about an actual or alleged federal government activity, namely the role the U.S. government is playing in the response to the friendship to US and whole the world since the alleged mass surveylance revelation and wiretapping to allied countries, UN, and many major private communication like SWIFT.
Taking account into the conditions above, more transparency in NSA, which can be seen by public if the documents I am seeking are reported, must contribute to the U.S government’s credibility, soft power, and public goods of people not only in U.S. but also in all the other nations.
I certify that I am a full-time and chief editor of echo-news.net, media representative placed in Japan and we have many user traffics from English spoken world.
Whether an “urgency to inform” exists depends on several factors: (1) whether the information relates to a currently unfolding story; (2) whether delaying release of the information harms the public interest; and (3) whether the request concerns federal governmental activity (see Al-Fayed v. CIA, 245 F .3d 300 (D.C. Cir. 2001)). In addition, “the credibility of a requester” is also a relevant consideration.
Please release any information pursuant to my requests as it is received and/or reviewed by your office, rather than waiting to send me all the material I have requested. If you have questions or need to contact me.
As I am making this request on behalf of the echo-news for use in reporting the news, no fees may be assessed for searching or reviewing documents sought by this request, and no duplication fees should be charged to echo-news.net for the first 100 pages of material (see 5 u.s.c. � 552(a)(4)(A)(ii)(lJ), echo-news.net hereby consents to pay duplication charges up to a total not to exceed $200. Please notify me in advance before incurring any duplication charges in excess ofthis amount.
As you know, the Act permits you to reduce or waive the fees when the release of the information is considered as “primarily benefiting the public.” I believe that this request fits that category and I therefore ask that you waive any fees.
If all or any part of this request is denied, please cite the specific exemption(s) that you think justifies your refusal to release the information and inform me of your agency’s administrative appeal procedures available to me under the law.
To the extent that you affirm, in whole or in part, the denial of disclosure, we ask that you provide us with a list describing with specificity the categories ofdocuments that have been withheld and explaining the grounds for the withholding (see Vaughn v. Rosen, 484 F,2d 820 (D.C. Cir. J973)).
I would appreciate your handling this request as quickly as possible, and I look forward to hearing from you.
I look forward to your reply within 20 business days, as the statute requires. Thank you for your assistance.
[ Takanori Eto some miss spellings and im-relevant description are deleted from the original]